John O’Donohue speaks his Blessing “To Come Home To Yourself” from To Bless The Space Between Us (Benedictus)
Midlife and the Great Unknown: Finding Courage and Clarity Through Poetry
The language of poetry can emancipate you into the next phase of your existence, helping you break through obstacles and giving you courage.  On “Midlife and the Great Unknownâ€, you engage with poetic imagination as it was meant to be experienced: as your companion and guide for the challenging terrain of midlife.  On this recording, David Whyte explores “Radical Simplifications†– an invitation to sit in silent reflection and observation, using your poetic imagination to navigate life’s cycles of loss and joy, and honouring who you are right not, including your skills and limitations.
The Divided Brain from Matter of Fact Media on Vimeo.
Interview with Dominic Barter about Restorative Circles – alternative justice system
Understanding justice as a system from Restorative Circles on Vimeo.