Dancing in Every Direction

When I dance, I take steps forward, sideways, backward. I follow a rhythm. I coordinate my movements and rhythm to those of other dancers and the music surrounding me, and I love the creative experience.

When I work, I make a plan for moving forward. I set a pace and resent interruptions or obstacles . . . → Read More: Dancing in Every Direction

Abiding Questions

Every Sunday morning, my dad and I use iChat to have a video-conference. He calls it “having breakfast together.” (I think of it as our “Jetson Family Moment.”)

Last Sunday, as I sipped my coffee and jiggled the headset connection, Dad said, I’ve got to figure out what I really want to do.

It . . . → Read More: Abiding Questions

Happiness & Possibility

Pursuit of Happiness

During the embattled years of law school, a friend and I clung together in our metaphorical fox-hole, confiding to one another all that was scary, going wrong, or likely to go wrong. We’d spend hours (over nachos and margueritas) pep-talking one another into persevering.  Then, one day, she and I . . . → Read More: Happiness & Possibility