Farm Life

I’m feeling something shifting in my understanding of my way of life. This morning as I woke, I had the familiar thoughts (and accompanying dread) about a clambering to-do- list, “OVERDUE” flashing relentlessly in my skull. Then, for unknown reasons, I suddenly shifted away from that story.

It was a story about, “Get there. You’re . . . → Read More: Farm Life

Dancing in Every Direction

When I dance, I take steps forward, sideways, backward. I follow a rhythm. I coordinate my movements and rhythm to those of other dancers and the music surrounding me, and I love the creative experience.

When I work, I make a plan for moving forward. I set a pace and resent interruptions or obstacles . . . → Read More: Dancing in Every Direction

Rejeuvenating Creative Energy and Willingness

Where Did My Willingness Go?

Lately, I’ve been feeling stuck. I can’t seem to find my willingness to do the things I’ve agreed to do. My pending to-do tasks are piling up and deadlines are boiling into urgency.

Something needs to shake loose soon, or I’ll be the one boiling . . . → Read More: Rejeuvenating Creative Energy and Willingness

Discovering Agreement vs Negotiating Terms

I’ve just read the article by J. Kim Wright (of CuttingEdgeLaw) about the value and importance of putting business agreements in writing. I agree with Kim that one of the most valuable things you can do is put the agreements and understandings you have into writing – in words you understand and are fully comfortable . . . → Read More: Discovering Agreement vs Negotiating Terms

Abiding Questions

Every Sunday morning, my dad and I use iChat to have a video-conference. He calls it “having breakfast together.” (I think of it as our “Jetson Family Moment.”)

Last Sunday, as I sipped my coffee and jiggled the headset connection, Dad said, I’ve got to figure out what I really want to do.

It . . . → Read More: Abiding Questions

Willpower and Willingness

My inner nag is pointing out all the things I’ve left undone . . . and my inner resister-of-authority wonders if the ‘not doing’ is about needing a break. This is always a tricky question. I am so ready to believe that I’m a slacker who is just looking for an excuse to play hooky. . . . → Read More: Willpower and Willingness

The choice:

fitting myself to the system or communicating myself, ‘in my full stature and proportion,’ through the work and the way I choose to do it. –Linda Alvarez

“The common experience is that the man fits himself as well as he can to the customary details of that work or trade he falls into, and tends . . . → Read More: The choice: