Dancing in Every Direction

When I dance, I take steps forward, sideways, backward. I follow a rhythm. I coordinate my movements and rhythm to those of other dancers and the music surrounding me, and I love the creative experience.

When I work, I make a plan for moving forward. I set a pace and resent interruptions or obstacles . . . → Read More: Dancing in Every Direction

Willpower and Willingness

My inner nag is pointing out all the things I’ve left undone . . . and my inner resister-of-authority wonders if the ‘not doing’ is about needing a break. This is always a tricky question. I am so ready to believe that I’m a slacker who is just looking for an excuse to play hooky. . . . → Read More: Willpower and Willingness

BTUs & Freedom

One bright morning, as we sat at the breakfast table with our good friends Phil and Rhonni, I looked down at the dreadful rust-colored indoor/outdoor carpeting that former inhabitants had glued to the floor of our cottage’s kitchen. To the table in general, I moaned, “I hate this carpet. It would be so great to . . . → Read More: BTUs & Freedom